Sunday, February 10, 2013

Making Your Life Bigger Than The Movies... Run For Love...

Running For Love... An Example Derived From The Big Screen... 

 My younger bro Mathew, upon a visit to his house in North Carolina, informed me that there was a common theme to be found in at least 95% of all romantic movies he was watching..  Let me show you an example of "running for love" or in this case hailing a cab in a hurry... 

My blog has primarily been an avenue to converse publicly and personally with any of you reading and I want to continue to draw off of bits and pieces of my life.. Most of you are aware by now that I have a daughter and I love her dearly..forgiven mistakes of my past have forced me into a weekend father or even more sparingly than that as of late. Truth be told it hurts sometimes... Love wants to be close... "Love wants to run to each other" Love desires to be forever together or reunited closely. My daughter lives a ways away in the same state but through differences and her becoming influenced by other more "worldly pursuits" it can be long dry spells for even the communication... This waiting period forces me to catch a glimpse of my Fathers insatiable desire for our HEARTS...  I could move to an apartment right next to my daughter, quit my job, and get another one if there is another one to be had in the little town she resides, but that isn't the guarantee that she will desire a relationship with me and give up her instant gratification through lusts and temporary highs... 

    This is when my thoughts went to my Heavenly father... He is arms open waiting to receive our love and attention.. What kind of love would it be if God demanded and camped on our doorstep until we gave him love.. The love has to be voluntarily, freely, offered.. Fall in love with God like you never have before.. Chase after Him... Run for Love.. Go get Him.. Get silly crazy in the word and prayer..  Imagine He wants us to be intimate beyond intimate calling us His BRIDE.. the church.. 

I will draw on your past experience.. have you let down someone in your past and felt their disappointment? Given a second chance you would do anything to change the outcome?  Well our God has done that... Giving us the chance to live life to the fullest with an intimate, exciting, crazy amazing, love story with the CREATOR, KING, the I AM... 

HOW COOL IS THAT?????  That is the greatest feeling ever to love God without being forced, oppressed, and robotically ruled.. FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE in CHRIST!!!!!

Reach out for Him...  God will blow your mind when He touches your heart.. Get crazy in the Bible, Get lost in His relational love story... When God becomes the driving force..the true passion in your life... your first love... life is going to become crazier than you ever would have imagined.. Blow your mind crazy..  get wrecked for Him.. God chooses you.. God wants to include you in His HUGE plan so why do we wait... 

I have made a prayer journal of sorts and as I have followed my journal rereading thoughts of thanksgiving and conversations I have been overwhelmed by the personal relationship of a HUGE GOD communicating with me personally.. I don't think I would have realized any of the answered prayers if I haven't been listening for them... He desires us to come to him... one of my personal favorite verses to repeat on my blog post is Philippians 4:6-9 Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable- if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise- dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. 

I encourage all of you who happen on my blog post that the one and only source of all hope and purpose in your life comes from the author of salvation.. The relationship you have with JESUS will never run dry...  HE is our completion... He created our beginning and knows our ending.. He knows what we need and what we were created for... His Glory... His affection.. HIS LOVE STORY...  

RUN crazy for Jesus... Run harder and faster than you ever believed possible and He will BLOW YOUR MIND as you journey to the ultimate reunion ...

1 corinthians 1:4-9  I always thank my God for you because of God's grace given to you in Christ Jesus, that by Him you were enriched in everything--- in all speech and in all knowledge. In this way, the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; you were called by Him into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

1 corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: What eye did not see and ear did not hear, and what never entered the human mind-- God prepared for those who LOVE HIM.

Get GOD...  GO GET HIM and pray to Him asking Him to keep you there... go on a date with JESUS.. He has been offering a courtship to you as His Bride.. as His Church..  Go get Him Tiger... 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rebellious Passivity.. Right to Bear Arms.. God Gave me Two of Them for Prayer, Worship, and Love...


                              I'm Gonna Lead a Rebellion......

                                  Words and lyrics by Reid Phillips

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my Father's house.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my Father's house.

By laying down my sword. Giving strength to the weak.

Filling empty bellies, and turning the other cheek.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my Father's house.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my Father's house.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my Father's house.

I know a Man who did just that.

Fed the souls of the people, wherever they sat.

Tore down the walls of oppression with some fish and some bread.

If you truly want to live, first you must be dead.

So come along with me.

So come along with me.

A rebellion by surrender could set the whole world free.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my pappa's house.

I am gonna lead a rebellion to my pappa's house.

By giving all I have and holding nothing back.

If we seek first the kingdom man, we're never gonna lack.

So take all my money and clothes off my back.

Cause I am leading a rebellion and I aint coming back.


 may I put my faith not in Weapons of self defense, but my Arms of faith. Through Prayer, Worship, Love, and Giving. All for the proclamation of the Glory of you, oh Lord, My Lord.
