Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sharing a "PEACE" of God he shared with me....


         It has been put on my heart to "get lost" in God tonight on my blog... I am not just talking about a brief blog post that is enjoyed for a few "minutes" while you are reading but a memory that promotes a peaceful smile while you look toward the heavens in the sky in the weeks and possibly years to come...  

 First a video as usual....    I hope this comforts you as much as the contents of this blog post today...  For I truly believe i am supposed to encourage you all by this God given media form...

             Sharing a "Peace" of God.....  

       I believe i am to write this blog post especially for some of you as I felt very strongly about the sublect matter of this particular blog post..  I am frantically typing away for I have noticed i have passed my "adult" bedtime a few hours ago.. but this can't wait any longer as you might be one of the individuals this blog post is pointed at so very directly...  

        First a few questions for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, believers, the church body...  Lately have you felt the worlds views and lack of morality weighing heavy on your heart, have you felt like an "alien" of this world soooo much more in your recent last few days...  Have you felt extra "burdened"  feeling like you can't CONVINCE others of the TRUTH?  

    Exhausted and feeling these anxieties and more like i was at the end of my rope I did what i do....  Dropped to my knees in front of my bed that night...  My prayer was filled with tension, crying out to my Father to "come to my rescue"  I wailed and pleaded leaning on his promises in his word as he listened to my prayer..  My tears had run down the side of my face as i felt spent with every fiber of my being so I proceeded to lay down on my bed ....  

                 Personal Jesus.....

       I really can't tell you how much time had passed from laying down on my bed but that is definitely a minor detail..  what was about to happen was going to be "life changing" , mind altering, and an event forever imprinted into my "little" human brain...   Spanning over what seemed to be seconds I suddenly felt a pressure that of arms securely holding me from behind..  I immediately processed in my brain to be an angel with arms underneath my arms from behind as my entire body felt a movement as if being pulled upward so quickly with a sense of many G-forces.  The velocity at which my body felt like it was travelling was crazy fast yet peacefully, gently, lovingly, in the arms of a very personal angelic  spiritual being..  

         Pausing the story, this is where it is crucial that I let you know that Sight was not a sense used in this event..  I heard and felt this in such a way that my words will never ever do it justice no matter how much of an articulate writer I think I am ... 

         Rising fast I heard the most incredible (this is the place i try to insert any adjective but it fails tremendously)  amazing, AWESOME, incredulous, peaceful, Huge  Overwhelming "bring you to your knees" SOUND...  Going back and forth from ear to ear i was hearing the Largest sound i have ever ever heard ...  This sound i "knew" there was no denying that this sound was what everyone was simultaneously hearing... Not sure whether it was two or more but there were angelic voices stating "Behold your King" and "The King is coming"  "the Lord of all "  They repeated soo much all exclaiming just how Glorious our God is ...  At this point i remember these things 1) being in AWE 2.)A Peace like no other time ever.. This peace was specifically due to a weight being lifted from my shoulders trying to prove my God for everyone knew at this point who my God was and he was definitely to be taken SERIOUSLY ...  3.) My God was a God that truly loved HIS people enough to comfort them so individually according to HIS perfect plans...   

       This is where the dream ended but ....   I woke and was so bewildered at the event I wasn't sure if that was a precursor to happening withing 5 minutes or that night or when... was i supposed to go to my window right then looking up???  I did know this about that night....

      My God heard me ...  I asked him to "cover me and comfort me "  My God cares about each of us enough to show any and all of us just how "personal" this relationship with us is and He is there for you.. My mind was also opened to the fact that this "event" I believe to be coming is going to be absolutely (B.Y.M.C.) Awesome and unimagineably orchestrated by a God that is so "SUPREME" it will transcend all the anxiety ridden insecurities we have ever felt here now...   I truly believe God shared this not only for my need that night when I called out to him but for you reading this post today..  lasting a mere 5 seconds or so in my head I share this with you that you might long for this as the next time you find yourself looking up into the sky... 

THIS IS REAL FOLKS >>>>   God is returning to take us home where we are with HIM....  IT is going to happen..  

            So to the best of my ability I share with you my God given gift of a dream.. Although everything i am typing seems to pale in comparison I leave you with this....    I believe and trust that God's plan is going to be 

So personal, so peaceful, so unexpected, so incomprehensible, so beautifully bigger than our minds will ever know until that Glorious day..  and  IT IS COMING...  THE DAY OF OUR LORD IS AT HAND...   

        Please if there is one major reason I wrote this blog post today was that you reading my blog will rest with less anxiety and more peacefully for GOD has you (believer)

   Servant Timothy

  1 Peter 1:3-9 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

   Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. You are being protected by God's power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this, though now for a short time you have had to struggle in various trials so that the genuineness of your faith--- more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire--- may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. You love Him though you have not seen Him. And though not seeing Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with inexpressible and glorious joy, because you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.


  1. Wow Mr. Timothy! What an amazing experience you got to witness. It must have been an amazing event you felt, heard, and watched in awe! Something I would love to experience one day. . .This post has to be my favorite post I have read on any blog I've read before. So comforting to know that soon and very soon the Lord is coming back to take his children up with Him where we will all praise God forever. That is one experience I just anticipate for, the coming of out Lord Jesus Christ!
    This post has given me a lot of comfort. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    Your sister in Christ,

  2. Rachel, God has been using you to encourage me and so, many others as well.. I am constantly humbled and blown away that my God chooses, to use me... I often like to express to Him and others.. That I feel worthy only because my God says through Jesus I am worthy to live and speak truth about Him... it makes my heart very happy to know you have many like minded aspirations looking to the Father as we wait to be, reunited.. Timothy

  3. I think we are here to inspire each other and so many while on earth. That is what the Lord calls us to do, and you are doing a great job at it.

    God bless you abundantly!!

  4. Hey Tim! Just had time to read your blog. Well put together with an amazing message! I can't wait for the day I fall to the ground before the Lord. Thanks again for sharing!

    David Stowell

  5. Brother, me too... I want to worship my King with all y'all :) I love thinking about that

  6. Wow to be at that place with the father how amazing..how I long to be at that place, when I am able to shut everything else out and it's just me and God! Thank you for reminding me how precious those times are and how I need to just soak in his word so that I can hear, see, and feel his presence at all times.
    Deuteronomy 4:29 But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

  7. Amen, yes to be at that place is truly so awesome that words truly fail the grandeur of such a spectacular event.. One day our immersion will be physically complete when we worship together in the heavens face to face gazing upon the Glory of the Holy Majestic and Righteous King.. Feeling His presence in worship is amazing...
