First a video as usual... A movie trailer from the movie "Walking on Water"
I am writing to each one of you as i share once again a "growing point" in my life.... There have been several times in my life when I have prayed for much wisdom.. God has supplied the knowledge for application with the Holy Spirit to guide me but it seems to have been a difficult process for me to truly "die to myself" as I truly desire God's will and mission for my life..
Photo of Chuck liddell
Case in point---- Here is the scene... picture me in a thrift store browsing, I am looking rather "undercover" or a mini "chuck liddell" mma fighter .... My sunglasses are on, mohawk is gelled straight back in a line with 3/4 of my head shaved, a white tanktop, and headphones in my ear.. I was tough looking, exuding a coolness "Timothy" style... Feeling completely comfortable in MY ELEMENT as I was made a unique individual, my God loves me and I was PROUD of it.. That is about the time a 5 yr old boy comes running out from underneath the clothes rack and looks at me scared like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.. He quickly ran to the safety of a single parent mom.. as she also feared his anxieties might be for a real reason because she saw me for my image I projected... By this time I would hope that you my reader knows i am "extremely sensitive" in the area of children.. I love children.. I didn't even have enough time to get down on his level to lose my sunglasses and show him my gentle nature and i was also ineligible to easily converse in any manner to his mother...
me.... before....
Immediately This set of verses God brought to my attention:
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
New International Version (NIV)
Paul’s Use of His Freedom
19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law),so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
Ok so you are wondering wait.... how did this one seemingly minor event in my life translate to my Title of this blog?? stay with me I am getting there...
On my way home I decided I needed to "neutralize" my appearance in the form of a "common" man to others .. NOTE: I said "appearance" not my Biblical Standards and beliefs God has given in his Word..
From this day forward until I am moved otherwise by the Spirit I am making a truly conscious decision to "lose MY" so called feelings to be noticed individually and offer myself to the old and young alike being used by my God promoting Him to all people. To sit with the elderly, talk and play games with the children, Shuffle/ballroom/swing dance with the hipsters, dress formally to worship with the more formal Church body in a typical sanctuary, or in a wetsuit by a fire on the beach with a "hitchhiker" as we partake in food and send them on their way "equipped" with a Bible, some extra cash, and food or clothing they might need for a tough grueling journey through the night.
I was blown away... I never realized I had been praying to Jesus to be used for Him but I quickly realized I needed to FULLY RELY on God to transform me daily into a person I may have thought I could never be... In this process I have to be absolutely unselfishly willing to "lose" the person I think I am .... Let God Bend me and Blow my mind with HIS plan for me..
Here it is..... yep speaking to you...
The meat and potatoes: If the situation arises are WE truly ready?? ready to serve up a Gluten free main course after swimming with sharks in 45 degree water in a wetsuit???
Really .... in more sensical wordage lol.... If the situation arose are we truly ready to perform by "rubbing shoulders" w/All Others.. Think about this for a minute...
What would your life look like if you spent time learning multiple languages so that anytime we overheard a person speaking in a foreign language crying out, we could comfort them.. Or learned how to bless the Bible study fellowships of our local church or community by baking treats for the weekly Bible study groups. Go snowboarding/skateboarding/wakeboarding/rafting/fishing with the youth and yet ballroom dance/play bingo/chess/ or scrapbook with an older individual..
Wouldn't that Just Rock Worlds....
If we could be exactly who GOD wants us to be not what we think we can do...
As I am typing this blogpost I am so convicted that I have had plenty of time that i wasted NOT learning any or all of these things.. So are we fired up????? are we ready to move with the Spirit any direction on any occasion and service He chooses .... When I was born I seriously wouldn't have ever guessed I would EVER EVER get used to the idea of putting on a skin tight wetsuit looking like a Seal in shark infested 45 degree water getting absolutely ROLLED by God's mighty SEA as I suck saltwater into my body like it was air.... you KIDDING... I was the only one of four boys that literally cried and screamed for my brothers to "get out of the water because they were going to drown" .... Did I ever imagine myself learning to snowboard at the end of this year or get totally excited when God provided a vintage Sunbeam mixer so I can learn to cook "Gluten Free" desert recipes and main dishes for loved ones, or apply to visit jails, get "approved" to even go in wearing the right color clothes and being checked in through security as if I was a criminal to absolutely enjoy the company of people I had just met for the first time in person that day and play card games and vending machine candy laughing together..
I just had an amazing time with coworkers last night watching a college football game and it was the first time I said yes to their invite.. I have been passing up opportunities to socialize w/coworkers because "I" was uncomfortably out of "MY CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT"
That my friends is a very lame excuse.. I am once again asking my God for help to "lose myself" trusting him and "neutralizing" MY PERSONALITY to be a common servant for the greater good
Saved Lives
My mission personally is to relationally connect with as many and all people God places in my path. Clean shaven, common haircut, healthy hygiene, and becoming equipped by using my time wisely as to be disciplined, Fit, and willing to run the race to win...
Remember God may wish to use us for possibilities "unthinkable" in our small minds, yet planned out in God's perfect plan.. which brings me to my next blog post coming......
It will be ...... I follow God's will ... really I do.... As long as it goes "with my traditional views and values set by society"
My plan? .... my friend's or families plan? or could the plan you think impossible that you have been mulling over in your head be possible with GOD by following the Spirit...
Love to all
The common me I choose to be .... :)
I leave you with a funny way of showing how God could use even a person willing to learn american sign language in a secular song for good... This guy was a collegiate grad from a major university, he made me aware by his ability that sign language could be an amazing tool to speak with people just based even on the happiness exhibited in your expression of the art...
Hey Brother! Great blog! Great message, put together well, and kept me reading! You realy have been blessed with the ability of expressing yourself in written communication!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!!
David.... Brother ty and honestly God lays it on my heart what he wants me to share about each time as if it is truly meant for one or each of us specifically... I am blessed to have the opportunity to be in your life...and it helps to hear you say God has given me a gift for writing in this way... That is so huge because I love writing and I am able to use it for God...
ReplyDeleteYou were so right when you said that God gives you the words to speak to each person individually. As I read your posts ( all of them ), It's as if they were written to me specifically. And I agree with David. God has truly gifted you in the area of expressing God's word and what He lays on you heart to type and express to others. Every time I finish reading each of your posts, It makes me want to read even more of them. :) So I wait ( in eagerness ;) ) to read another one of your posts of how the Lord is working in and through your life and what He wants you to share with us.
ReplyDeleteAnd also, that second video made me laugh and smile. Even the simplest things someone can do can bring a smile to someone else's day!
Thank you for this wonderful post!! and I wait anxiously for your next! :D
Rachel, it is a very beautiful blessing to be used by God in a personal way as you live this life... I am blown away by how God allowed that because I truly wanted a personal pen pal before I even started the blog but realized it wasn't Gods timing instead he led me to an open forum blog knowing that through Him I could write to many individuals in such a comforting encouraging way that leads us all to "look up" at Gods Glory... miss rachel as much as you look forward to the next post I too look forward to being "filled" by God to pour Him out to you... I am the broken pot ... God is the righteous priceless contents ..... I thank God for the encouragement you have shown consistently.. Timothy
ReplyDeleteIf your going to seek God, seek Him within, on the inside. It should not take long to discover a King and His wealthy Kingdom all dwelling within.
ReplyDeletethe eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what ARE the RICHES of the GLORY of His INHERITANCE IN the SAINTS, (Ephesians 1:18 NKJV)
It absolutely touched me in the deepest part of my emotions when you talked about being so lost in God that every part of you was with Him.... You are a gift, and a blessing to those that witness the love of the father through you....
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! You are truly a blessing to many! Your post spoke volumes! May God continue to abundantly bless you! By the way, your new look suits you!!
ReplyDeleteIn Christ Alone,
ReplyDeleteI definitely am encouraged that you and others may benefit from my posts, your kind words and encouragement spur me to continue as for now God has led me to blog...
Great post, I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post. Thanks for sharing this useful information.
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