I wish I wish I could even explain the total excitement I am feeling as my blood pumps so very quickly through my veins.. I have had a sleepless night of exploration.. What must i explore??? Well its safe to say my life isn't going to look quite like the stereotypical American Dream...
Have you ever felt like there is much more to life than buying a house, a car, going to school, interviewing for that dream job that will afford you more money for pensions and retirement... I myself can't be happy with this... I feel i was made for sooooo much more..
I personally am going to trade in my earthly future for a hope a real true dream that has made me more crazy excited than any "white picket fenceline" and 401k retirement plan would... This is a blog post to fire you up whether you are feeling stable, secure, and safe in the place you are.. I myself realized that there is much said about not putting my faith in money, guns, job, even family.. The ONE truth that deserves our true WORSHIP is GOD, The Holy Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit..
So let me tell you the reasons for my goosebumps :) God has brought a set of circumstances into my life for me to make plans as He guides my steps.... I met a beautiful woman (We will call her Rachel) God has put us together not by the works which we have done but by His beautifully orchestrated arrangement as God could ONLY DO... Planning on marrying july 18th I am pulling my retirement and quitting my illustrious career job as a warehouse worker with a Prominent Dental Company in the small town I reside in currently... For the sake of them not discovering i mentioned their company name I will just call them satirically "The Happiest Place on Land"
Yes .... I know ... you are thinking WOWWWW COOOOL.... EXCITINGGG Taking your retirement money , quitting your Job, leaving the State you were born in, giving away extra stuff, and wait....
Timothy.... what?? your secure? hmmm what?? your kidding... NOPE!!!!
Proverbs 3:1-8
My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and peace they will add to you. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
Smiling from ear to almost ear... I get to exclaim and expose a sweet plan as i have been researching... AND THIS IS WHERE IT GETS SOOOO GOOD.... An adventure of a lifetime... wanna hear about it??? Ok first I cannot take credit for any of the ways my life has been unfolding for it is ALL GOD'S INCREDIBLE PLAN.. for anything that is truly Good is from our God in Heaven... With a time schedule not firm after "Rachel" and myself are Married officially the plan is to join YWAM (see video) link below
There is also the possibility of this
Am I excited YES... Rachel and I both are so very excited to be Filled by our God as we desire with all our hearts to trade "stuff" for the Hope and Calling to serve as Missionaries :) Once again my boasting and happiness can (ONLY) be found through my Savior Jesus Christ for He alone has saved us and provided the opportunity to serve in this manner and for this Rachel and I are so very very grateful... No amount of possessions or money could EVER fulfill the joy that is welling up inside my heart right now... I will be blogging more about the adventures yet to come for us but for right now I will leave you with another amazing YWAM outreach video and a music video from Josh Garrels... Love to all ... thank you for being a part of my excitement as you are a friend of mine and relational is so very important...
Feel free to leave comments as interaction is definitely a part of the loving relational friendships that mean so very much...
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