Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sharing a "PEACE" of God he shared with me....


         It has been put on my heart to "get lost" in God tonight on my blog... I am not just talking about a brief blog post that is enjoyed for a few "minutes" while you are reading but a memory that promotes a peaceful smile while you look toward the heavens in the sky in the weeks and possibly years to come...  

 First a video as usual....    I hope this comforts you as much as the contents of this blog post today...  For I truly believe i am supposed to encourage you all by this God given media form...

             Sharing a "Peace" of God.....  

       I believe i am to write this blog post especially for some of you as I felt very strongly about the sublect matter of this particular blog post..  I am frantically typing away for I have noticed i have passed my "adult" bedtime a few hours ago.. but this can't wait any longer as you might be one of the individuals this blog post is pointed at so very directly...  

        First a few questions for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, believers, the church body...  Lately have you felt the worlds views and lack of morality weighing heavy on your heart, have you felt like an "alien" of this world soooo much more in your recent last few days...  Have you felt extra "burdened"  feeling like you can't CONVINCE others of the TRUTH?  

    Exhausted and feeling these anxieties and more like i was at the end of my rope I did what i do....  Dropped to my knees in front of my bed that night...  My prayer was filled with tension, crying out to my Father to "come to my rescue"  I wailed and pleaded leaning on his promises in his word as he listened to my prayer..  My tears had run down the side of my face as i felt spent with every fiber of my being so I proceeded to lay down on my bed ....  

                 Personal Jesus.....

       I really can't tell you how much time had passed from laying down on my bed but that is definitely a minor detail..  what was about to happen was going to be "life changing" , mind altering, and an event forever imprinted into my "little" human brain...   Spanning over what seemed to be seconds I suddenly felt a pressure that of arms securely holding me from behind..  I immediately processed in my brain to be an angel with arms underneath my arms from behind as my entire body felt a movement as if being pulled upward so quickly with a sense of many G-forces.  The velocity at which my body felt like it was travelling was crazy fast yet peacefully, gently, lovingly, in the arms of a very personal angelic  spiritual being..  

         Pausing the story, this is where it is crucial that I let you know that Sight was not a sense used in this event..  I heard and felt this in such a way that my words will never ever do it justice no matter how much of an articulate writer I think I am ... 

         Rising fast I heard the most incredible (this is the place i try to insert any adjective but it fails tremendously)  amazing, AWESOME, incredulous, peaceful, Huge  Overwhelming "bring you to your knees" SOUND...  Going back and forth from ear to ear i was hearing the Largest sound i have ever ever heard ...  This sound i "knew" there was no denying that this sound was what everyone was simultaneously hearing... Not sure whether it was two or more but there were angelic voices stating "Behold your King" and "The King is coming"  "the Lord of all "  They repeated soo much all exclaiming just how Glorious our God is ...  At this point i remember these things 1) being in AWE 2.)A Peace like no other time ever.. This peace was specifically due to a weight being lifted from my shoulders trying to prove my God for everyone knew at this point who my God was and he was definitely to be taken SERIOUSLY ...  3.) My God was a God that truly loved HIS people enough to comfort them so individually according to HIS perfect plans...   

       This is where the dream ended but ....   I woke and was so bewildered at the event I wasn't sure if that was a precursor to happening withing 5 minutes or that night or when... was i supposed to go to my window right then looking up???  I did know this about that night....

      My God heard me ...  I asked him to "cover me and comfort me "  My God cares about each of us enough to show any and all of us just how "personal" this relationship with us is and He is there for you.. My mind was also opened to the fact that this "event" I believe to be coming is going to be absolutely (B.Y.M.C.) Awesome and unimagineably orchestrated by a God that is so "SUPREME" it will transcend all the anxiety ridden insecurities we have ever felt here now...   I truly believe God shared this not only for my need that night when I called out to him but for you reading this post today..  lasting a mere 5 seconds or so in my head I share this with you that you might long for this as the next time you find yourself looking up into the sky... 

THIS IS REAL FOLKS >>>>   God is returning to take us home where we are with HIM....  IT is going to happen..  

            So to the best of my ability I share with you my God given gift of a dream.. Although everything i am typing seems to pale in comparison I leave you with this....    I believe and trust that God's plan is going to be 

So personal, so peaceful, so unexpected, so incomprehensible, so beautifully bigger than our minds will ever know until that Glorious day..  and  IT IS COMING...  THE DAY OF OUR LORD IS AT HAND...   

        Please if there is one major reason I wrote this blog post today was that you reading my blog will rest with less anxiety and more peacefully for GOD has you (believer)

   Servant Timothy

  1 Peter 1:3-9 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

   Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. You are being protected by God's power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this, though now for a short time you have had to struggle in various trials so that the genuineness of your faith--- more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire--- may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. You love Him though you have not seen Him. And though not seeing Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with inexpressible and glorious joy, because you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Etch a Sketch: To Shake or Not to Shake Part 2

                                                         PART 2                                                        

                 First a video I would like to share with you...  A Lauryn Hill song remade and sung early on in Colbie Caillat's career.. I like to believe this is a song about my God so I view it that way...

Have you ever used an etch-a-sketch..  You precisely turn two knobs in such a way that you are able to draw a series of straight and diagonal lines in hopes of creating a masterpiece/ a picture.. It takes patience, a bit of talent, and skill... But there is a point when you are drawing that you must make an uneasy judgement call in advance to connect the two lines as eye and hand coordination become critical.. So as you move the single line to the other straight line everything still looks until almost at the point of contact and the two lines often barely miss one another.. Depending on the error usually this means you have to erase the drawing by shaking the etch a sketch only to start over ....

     This also parallels life as well...  On with the story....

  Shortly after I sold everything and moved into the current apartment I reside in to this day.. I was finding a joy and freedom in God as i was learning w/Lianne seeking God and possibilities or hope for the future service to our God together in the future...   about no more than a month later one night the accident took her away from all here on earth and for the next months to follow there was to be great tension, sadness, confusion, and stress... I became a shell walking around with sunglasses as a permanent fixture over my eyes as they were often bloodshot from the tears, and headphones with music albeit mostly christian music I was hiding from society for the most part drowning out the life moving around me..  a few songs that gave me great comfort were these:


        Upon realizing just how short life can be at any given moment as Gods word tells us 

               James 4:14

     You don't even know what tomorrow will bring---- what your life will be. For you are like smoke that appears for a little while then vanishes.

       I suddenly felt an urgency to leave a life of complacency as my mind unsettled was pulled in a million different directions convincing myself i was going to finish the drawing by completing the lines on my  real life "etch a sketch" I was determined to help everywhere  and make a difference for God out of fear because i was facing the fragility of life due to circumstances of sin in "the fallen world"

        I started walking everywhere downtown and introducing myself asking for names of many individuals I would have drove by with my music playing loud in the jeep before.. I realized i wanted to make a difference.. I wanted to help immediately... my agenda ..  Yep it appeared my lines were going to connect just perfectly I mean, how could i go wrong? I was out there giving, how could that not be the right thing for me to do?    



     One night my drawing became messy...   I was passing by a local thai restaurant as I looked through the window i saw a family of 7 to 8 people so I had the idea to offset a little of their total bill so i walked in and handed the server a 20 dollar bill to be used for part of the families bill and I walked out quickly.. I hadn't went farther than the next corner of the block when the waitress comes out exclaiming quite loudly "they don't know you, they don't know you. You keep your money for yourself. You take this money, you take your money."  I was frustrated feeling like the gentleman at the table was insulted that i would try to pay for his family..   I quickly walked away but just as i left i came upon "Dan" an elder gentleman who was unshaven, and I had seen him sleeping in various sites downtown during the day, parking his older three wheel tricycle with basket wherever he stopped... I thought here is my chance to "save face" from the embarrassment just before. I quickly went into the bar and asked him if he wanted to go to the grocery store with me so I could buy him any food he wanted...  His facial expression turned cross and angrily snapped at me like never before in all of our previous conversations... i had insulted him by offering him assistance for food....  

        My drawing was all messed up .... It was time to shake the etch a sketch and start over ...

       Very humiliated, feeling rather defeated I walked back to my apartment and fell to my knees meeting with my Savior praying for my God once again to "hit me over the head with clarity explaining that it takes alot for me to understand...  I cried out to be used by God.." I desire this in the best way.

                               This is where the fun begins

       Our God hears our crys and desires us to come to him with all our desires...

        The next saturday there was a mens breakfast at my brothers church so i spent the weekend at my brothers house to be with family instead of alone at my apartment.. After stuffing my belly with all the scrambled eggs, potatoes, and coffee i could absorb into my girly figure it was time for prayer and a bit of Bible fellowship which I can't get enough of ...  The gentleman goes to the front of the room and after prayer starts with this verse..  

              Philippians 4:6,7

      Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses every thought will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

               An immediate light came on in my head... Actually to be more accurate the Spirit was speaking to me .. I thought back about a month earlier our mens Bible Study fellowship at another church took that verse as our memory verse ... So I quickly whispered to my older brother Troy who was sitting beside me that Philippians 4:6,7 was being consistently brought to my attention through various sources.  I think he thought i might have been just taking a coincidence for the Spirit but i explained my prayer to him and we went home... The next day Sunday morning worship service Pastor Doug was speaking on another area in the Bible when he made mention that he had to share a verse that had been on his mind to share...  Yep... you guessed it Philippians 4:6,7 ... with my mother sitting in the middle of us in church i immediately caught my brothers attention and we chuckled realizing that verse was said yet again...  Clarity???  Not as clear as it was about to get later that evening...  

                 My younger brother Mat lives in North Carolina and he just happened to   call my older brother troy..  I was in the living room and I thought why not?  So I yelled to troy " hey why dont you ask Mat if he has a verse he would like to share with me?"    I already knew what was in store, but it was funny to see my older brother with a blank expression on his face handing me the phone as my younger brother who had no clue of this whole story proceeds to say "I dont know where this verse is found but it says something like Do not be anxious in anything....." I didn't let him finish i took it from there and told him it was Philippians 4:6,7  

                     Pondering this amazing event .. upon returning back to my apartment I drop to my knees and humbly thank the Lord God for speaking to me in such a personal way through His Word...wow...  I felt so unworthy and amazed all at the same time... As i was readily watching he also did that in the following weeks with another verse through several people not even knowing why they were reciting it to me ... it was :

         Psalms 46:10

Be still and know that I am God.

   I had become so frantic with desperation, worry, and fear trying to go in every direction with selfish misguided intentions to do good by myself not being led by the Spirit of God. It had become fear based not a peaceful love of the will of God. Having a renewed peace in my Bible and prayer journal in the months to come I calmed down and became more peacefully waiting on Gods direction for my life except... one area which happened really recently..  I gave up my struggle with God... I had this one area that i felt necessary to do on my own... but friday night i came to my Jesus and gave up that fight.. I told my God i was giving up my "hidden agenda" ha ha i say "hidden" but god knew my agenda.  I would let go of my will in finding someone or desiring a family because through self introspection I realized i was clearly not giving him that area of my life (it is very important to check ourselves "parental control" ourselves so that we are not in the way of the will of the Father) So after i came to him with the request of a family I acknowledged a commitment to quit fighting for my will but to wait upon the will of my Lord. THIS IS WHERE THIS BLOG POST GET SO ABSOLUTELY CRAZY AMAZING... ARE YOU READY FOR IT???  

       Before i type any of my blogs i write them out in my notebook and before the ink was finished I was called by a strong believer in the faith a christian I believe was meant to call me just at that exact time possibly for someone who was going to be reading my blog to be touched by this but unknown to her that i had just finished writing 

"I would let go of my will in finding someone or desiring a family because through self introspection I realized i was clearly not giving him that area of my life"

       She starts to tell me she should have called me yesterday but as she was doing something yesterday she was clearly seeing that something she did had triggered her that she was supposed to call me and tell me that God did have someone for me and she said it was very clear that i wasn't going to be alone..  but that she was supposed to let me know to have peace in this matter...  Coincidence?? I think not ... I just now gave in to my God laying my wrestling with the Spirit in this matter..   Well as you know i have some words to say about this...   and it goes like this 

                      "My God is Crazy Amazing"

and even in the last few weeks I have felt the personal touch of my God through recent friends in my life... so with that i am leaving you with this song...  And yes my God can make your paths crystal clear might i suggest you pray that he "hit you over the head" repeatedly if he must and trust me if you are listening he will....  on his time...  :)



An Etch a Sketch: To Shake or not to Shake

First let me start out with a Matthew West video that I felt depicted my reverence and hope for a future marriage....  The reason I have no problems expressing my hope is that i believe my God is giving me the peace that this door is still open for me.. i thought about this alot this weekend as I spent much quality time with my little nephew and niece petting horses, directing a hose away from me to the pickup we were washing, blowing kisses , giving knuckles and hugs, reading nighttime stories, and laying on the bedroom floor while the binkies were being tossed out of the crib...  My brother in law smiles and says bet you don't miss these days...  I gently said I would love to be blessed for these times and he saw it in my eyes as he knew how much I long for the devotion of a God centered family..  

Psalm 127:3-5

Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, children, a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons born in ones youth. Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them. Such men will never be put to shame when they speak with their enemies at the city "gate"


A truly beautiful song I play in hope and faith as i pray often for God's will in my life for my future is resting in my God's hands.


Ok, my fellow crazees....  As you may have started to realize by my random thoughts and pictures on instagram I am kind of an A.D.D. guy often very spontaneous and willing to be "where the action is" This adventurous side of Timerfee Lane Taft is a God given asset if directed in God's will but a detriment if I live as an unbridled "wild child" living for selfish pursuits often resulting in a series of events I like to refer to as "The shaking of the Etch-a-sketch"  or painful redo...  This begs the question ............  

    How do we know if we are following the will of our savior when we desire to know without "shaking the etch-a-sketch"

  Philippians 4:6-9

 Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable--- if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise---  dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received, and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you .

       I will give you a couple of my stories to illustrate examples of clarity, comfort, and personal touch God can speak to us.... on His terms and His time providing we truly honestly are listening :)


           Waking up one morning all by myself months after learning of my ex wife's infidelity I became the sole owner of a 1930, 5 bedroom, 2 bath, farmhouse in a tiny town of Lafayette, OR. My income decreased and family split.  The mortgage payments and bills consumed every bit of my reduced income. I was making the payments on my mortgage but when my Jeep had "mechanical issues"  I found myself needing to lean on others to provide my basic food needs and "heating" was a luxury not easily paid for...  If you know anything about old farmhouses it wasn't exactly energy efficient so in the wintertime I could have used an ice scraper on the inside of my windows (this I can smirk and laugh about now as i type but I could have used a snuggie then.. )  Praying for Gods will to be done I acted on faith that if I was to sell the house it would be orchestrated by God and His timing.. I called a realtor..   2 months went by and many people came to look even in a down market which surprised my realtor...  No offers not one so I lowered the price even more.... nothing.. 

           I took the house of the market and prayed once more ....  During this same time I had a Jeep wrangler that I had bought years ago... I loved it (bigtime understatement)  This Jeep began to define me in more ways than one..  I was Cool, tough, and "the man" as i was driving around in the summer time with the top off and sunglasses on willing to keep my Jeep no matter what the expense ( with a custom carburetor that i had to rebuild it cost to drive it at about 8-10 miles per gallon of gas)

          After returning to prayer once again, I was being convicted that after I was being donated food to live on.. My house and jeep were my Idols...  I was placing them ahead of my God...  No longer being able to give money to the church, those in need, my time money and love was for THINGS....   NOT GOD   So after prayer and consulting my brother and Lianne two mentors in my life at that time.. I decided that my word in contractual form legally was that if i couldn't afford my house my contractually obligation was to return the house to the bank and it was honoring my word and the value of the house was exactly fair market the price i owed the bank..   So once again acting on prayer, faith, and advice from christian mentors I proceeded to get a permit from the little town of lafayette to hold a garage sale for two days...  opening at 9am to 6pm sat and sun

          I didn't advertise as it was a small town, and there was only a sign at the edge of my front lawn.. at about 8 am i started slowly putting everything i owned except a few personal belongings, I remember it being kind of crazy because i was the only one putting on the yard sale but as i was placing things on tables my neighbors were already coming over to inspect everything i was laying out... books started selling left and right, neighbors were literally calling their friends and by opening time i had already pocketed around 250 dollars..  confirmation????  wait there's more....  Close to lunchtime a gentleman comes over to me and says "hey i saw you the other day... you were outside taking pictures of your jeep" hmmmm   Then he says " I saw you and I said to myself ... there is a guy who LOVES HIS THINGS"

                                 Uhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhhh   

     At that moment I knew ....  The jeep was confirmed as later i was also told unknowingly by my niece that I was in love with my jeep then she said there wasn't a picture of me without my jeep in it... 

    Well literally I had neighbors one in particular that had been over several times buying miscellaneous books .. he looked at me and opened his wallet with his last 2 dollars had another book and said "I don't know why i am even buying this book and giving you my last 2 dollars"   I KNEW WHY....  by the end of that single day most everything was sold and God let his will be known 1200 dollars in about 6 hrs with no advertising in a town of about 2900 people...   I remember being on the phone with Lianne as I kept repeating my God is crazy amazing...  Then I was also concerned that my friends and coworkers would think i was a failure by losing my house, she replied to me that "she thought that they would think the same thing she was thinking that I was unafraid to follow the will of God and it would be admirable... "  guess what.. no sooner than she was finished saying so I received a text message back from a christian coworker saying that he saw great things happening through me and i was someone he was watching because of the way i was living my life at that time striving to follow the will of God.."

Shortly thereafter I moved into the apartment in the next town sold my jeep and then .............

                         To be continued....

Please leave comments I appreciate them greatly :)

I leave you with one more video...  very powerful... 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Want to Comprehend Beauty Stare at This....

First a video to get things started

A Face my Father would love.....

                         This is a letter to each one of you from my heart..
To be honest with you when I started this post I had no idea what was in store for us, but today I plan on sharing a painful insight into my past .
                         Yesterday I was confronted by a fellow sister in Christ in a not so gentle way but God knew it was the precise event needed to shape me and mold my character even while it hurt my feelings at the time..  She asked me the question "Why would you say that there wasn't anyone else comparable to how moralistic and pure my sister was?"

                                                        OOOPS....  She was right!!!! 

                                                 The truth (Romans 3:23-24)

                                     For All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

                Here is where I expose my "black eye" 

                This is very difficult for me but I want you to understand my "struggle"  and yes I can honestly say Christians struggle with imperfection and sin or a sinful past. Sometimes I can learn through gentle advice but for the majority of my life I have learned more wisdom through very painful results of poor decision making when I have willfully chose against God's instruction for my life..

                I will list a few for my list is long, ugly, embarrassing yet important...

      No purity ring here, lived with women before marriage, not one but two failed marriages, Smoked, Drank, dabbled in Marijuana, and ouija boards. Went to college and failed miserably, Put my possessions ahead of God, Had cancer and was so proud that once it had been removed I felt like I myself was strong enough that was the reason i was living today (wrong answer) I couldn't even give God the credit for preserving my life at the time. Most of all my life was not a life living for my First love my God.

       After this I Turned Back to My Father in Repentance

        This brings me to over a year ago. I fell deeply in love with the "hope" and dreams of a young lady who had lived her life in the exact opposite way ..  For every wrong choice i had made there were probably 20 right choices she was making. She was looked upon as uniquely different to most who lived their life for themselves.. She was pure. giving and devoting her life moving by the Spirit blessing others with her life for God and them. 

                                      Wanna hear something CRAZY!!!

            She saw me and knew my past overlooking where I was and saw me as a man that had the crazy desire to follow my God anywhere and live for the calling to serve him.. But she did what most others including myself couldn't ....   Overlook my past and see me with what she called "eyes of faith"


             Smitten with new dreams and a future of  "loving someone giving everything I had to God first then her"  I was so excited my coworkers saw a change and I remember expressing all the great qualities she displayed.  Thinking everyone was going to be excited for me, that was not exactly what happened.. I was often told by many who knew my past. You know she is too good for you: What did you do to deserve a woman such as her?

                                                   my reply....   Nothing...

                      Then I would tell them I believed that was why my Jesus had placed us together for God was displaying Redemption, Grace, and Mercy in a real world application knowing that the only explanation that was reasonable was it was a direct result of 


                         I fell to my knees often thanking God for the opportunity presented to me unmerited..  A second, third, fourth, chance to be a man of God and character.   This made me so happy :) My heart was more than ready to "court" her with the absence of any physical endeavors of any kind romantically until marriage. We became immersed in phone time, In depth Bible studies and seeking our God first individually and then second as a team. Getting excited about the possibilities of working on the "mercy Ships" together plus many more exciting ventures, possibilities to advance the kingdom of God.
                     Not long after this She was taken to see our Lord when the car she was driving was struck by a drunk driver in her home state of California 10 days before she was to move to Oregon and work here ...  

                     Which brings me to almost exactly a year later my heart, and love was questioned by her sister.  That was when I mentioned that i felt there wasn't going to ever be another woman seeking God and a pure moral lifestyle that would accept my middle aged past with "eyes of faith" as she had.  In case you all haven't noticed there seems to be a shortage of people my age that are abstaining "holding out in a form of renewed purity"  that might agree to no physical intimacy desiring a basis of God first, then a life to serve others together ..

        That was when she quickly confronted me that my error was placing her sister as more "pure" than anyone else based on her human actions or good works.

  She was right I realized I wasn't holding to the truths of the Bible and it bears repeating:

                   Romans 3:23-24

 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

                             Isaiah 64: 6

 All of us have become like something unclean and all our righteous acts are like a polluted garment all of us wither like a leaf and our iniquities carry us away like the wind.

     Has this momentary set back of life in the "fallen world"  dashed my hopes 


For I hold these things true... Relying on my God for his will

           Philippians 4:6,7

Don't worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

             His word tells me that I can come to Him in prayer with a thankful heart asking for anything and if it is in accordance to His will then I know he would love nothing more than to bless me ....  IF IT IS THE WILL OF MY FATHER FOR MY LIFE.. 

  If there is anything i have learned as the life lessons continually present themselves day after day is that I am continually renewed by my God through Jesus death and ressurrection. My past is my past... and it has passed.. my future is hope with a future

                               Jeremiah 29:11

           For I know the plans I have for you --- This is the Lords declaration--- Plans for your welfare , not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

                                       From this day forward:

 It is my will to do the will of my Father in Heaven.

If it is God's will to answer my deepest request to be afforded the luxury of a family again and to use the "cool animal hand puppets" I have carried with me as hope for the future dream that would be amazing. but until that day is evident I have much more time to be consumed learning the example of 1 corinth 13 love through teaching and life of Jesus Christ my King as I focus on living a life pleasing to Him..

I want to be so lost in my God that in order to be found she has to be seeking God as well...

                        Mathew 6:33,34

  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

                                         Mathew 7:7,8

Keep asking and it will be given to you, Keep searching, and you will find, keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

                                                         Mathew 6:9,10

Therefore you should pray like this, Our father in heaven your name be honored as Holy. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

      Love to all,

servant Timothy


Friday, August 10, 2012

A "Mani" of Character Displays Much Fruit

           Overhearing a couple of young ladies in a coffee shop discussing past loves and dissatisfying relational results it was very heartbreaking to me as I am also the ear of another sister of a friend I knew crying "on my shoulder" if you will about an individual that pulls her on an emotional roller coaster of cheating, jealousy, and controlling life pattern...

             I was continually left wondering the same thing when my ex had inappropriate relationships with a coworker amongst other relational mishaps of my past..

  Until..........     I realized i was living for another individual to "complete" me...   Which has been a common theme I have heard...

    God has a plan for all of us and he hears our prayers and desires and he gives us plenty of direction for successful relationships...

     If you really love someone you desire to immerse yourself in their beauty...  What color are their eyes, how do they smell, what are their hobbies, do they have a specific musical taste, can we talk on the phone and struggle to say goodbye even if calling them back after dinner...  This is the very process that increases our love but also our appetite to learn more...

     So ...  the process laid out in the Bible is a very very successful one....

look for the individual displaying the fruit of the spirit.

Ephesians 5:22-23a
But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, faith, gentleness, self control....

  And he also tells us the warning signs:

Eph 5:19-21

  Now the works of the flesh are obvious. sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance--- as I told you before-- that these who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God..

     Yes I have been careless in my decisions in the past deciding i could let one character quality slide because .....  I really thought they were "cute"...  hmmmm  not good ....

  So my advice on how you will be able to discern or "discover" possible hidden character traits that aren't as easily seen when you initially "fall" for someone...

   Get "lost" in God first...  to know the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit learn about your first love..  

     Mathew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. 

    How great will it be to find another individual lost in God first as they practice a giving love, unselfish and willing to ------------

put God first,
treat others including you better than him/herself
which may include truly placing a desire to take the time to "know you" just as their first love is Jesus, there will be a definite long lasting desire to truly be silly enough to 

Find out what it is like to put on your fav fingernail polish... Think about it ...  

A man that seeks God and his instruction and love will be more apt to treat you as Christ treated the church..  In order to do that Christ would "know" his bride the church...  

And men :  Think about a woman that cared to stay up all night with you comforting you as you struggle to start that family car that broke down at the most inopportune time...  

Two people seeking God first, not practicing fleshly exploits but the life following the example set for us in the Bible..

  Crazy......  Not as crazy as the purple stained fingers i am displaying in public for my blog fans..   I pray that this may lead others to know Jesus in a real personal way immersed in the Bible..

Love to you all
servant timothy


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Fluffy Bunny Theory...

Before delving into the subject matter I choose to show you one of my favorite videos of all time... This video moves me every time  I watch it...  Powerful and true... 

   I am consistently in amazed, overwhelmed, and motivated by the fact that the Jesus Christ, the God I serve created you and I in His image to be in a very real personal relationship with Him.

   I am going to show you a few photographs of some of my past pets..  I love animals but at this time in my life I have given them up to live in a smaller apartment... 

     This brings me to my "Fluffy Bunny Theory"

    Philippians 4:8,9 
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable--- if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise--- dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

  Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night, frightened, crying, scared because the day before you were with your closest friends or family members at the zoo petting the most precious animals?...  

  Or enraged because your family or friends complimented you sincerely because they love you?  

  I bet not.. actually i bet you conjure up a smile or two thinking about a specific person or pet you love and it feels good to remember... Kinda makes you want to spend time with them huh?

  That dear friends is it............................  Fluffy Bunnies :)

  One of my inspirations ....  

Pondering, thinking, smiling, bursting out into a dance (while completely alone haaaa) as I enjoy the glimpses of Jesus reading the Bible or feeling it when i come in contact with another believer who "gets it"

  Created to live, free, covered in His grace, Mercy, and Love...

        His return, Worshiping Our King, My King....


Blow your mind CRAZY beyond imaginable joyous occasion

Yes I agree it is a struggle to live here on this earth because of the attacks from non believers, unknowingly, and knowingly used by Satan to sidetrack us into paralyzation ..  our minds are targeted by thoughts other than those above...  

That is where Philippians 4:4-7 comes into play..

  Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

The support of other believers as a body of the church is very active and alive and I am thankful to be a part of it. I have felt it very much as of late and it is very encouraging and heartwarming ...  I know they wouldn't want me to mention their names but I believe you know who you are and I Thank my Jesus for all of you...  

Much love, 
carry on in His grace blessing others,

Your servant Timothy

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hold on to your Hats Ladies and Gents...

  This could get crazy...

First and foremost my mind has been spinning out of control like a chimpanzee on the twisted rope of a tire swing..  What do I write? I can write about anything :)  Shifting my A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder) to an advanced level......  This Ladies and Gents, Boys and Girls, 

                    Is Where The Fun Begins... 

 I promise I will try to stay at my laptop for at "least" each post without finding an excuse to run (literally) to the store fishing for all the change in my pocket to buy "Dibbs"  mmmmm  yep I know you are asking for a picture mmmmm ...  I truly digress as I am probably off topic somehow yet again ha ha ... 

   I must admit when I am pressured for time I might fail the readers of my blog so ...  as to improvise I am going to give you a treat.. 

        Twelve Eleven

This was to be the title my first book...  Without further adieu I will just display the preface for all to see...     Here it is ---------


         While in media print, the appearance of this book may be mistakenly accepted as a common novel held in the hand of a local coffee shop regular. Peruse deeper, becoming immersed into a script of personal experiences taunting you with bold, gut wrenching, unedited honesty of a bygone era.

       Knowing there aren't personal life stories that take precedence over another, I believe these select human anxieties of life depict broken pressure points. Finite seconds between options of "flipping the switch" to an ending of life, or rejuvenation living under the grace of God. Become entranced in the raw emotions of the ensuing human battle that separates bones from flesh and hopelessness versus purpose. A spiritual warfare and the rejoicing that ensues as Jesus Christ is acknowledged as a personal Savior. 

      These personal testimonies are blatantly accurate and true, permissibly written and illustrated via second hand expression of artistic freedoms. Words that were previously spoken to support actual events of powerful emotional angst. 

                        The traumatic submersion of human frailty descending to the personal hell of a desperate soul.....

                                 Then God

         The "tar stained" empty heart of man pierced by the unequivocal redemptive love of Jesus Christ..  The permeation of His Glory shown pointedly to the "common man". Documented accounts of transformed lives, hopes, and desires.

                                   This will be the testimony of the saints

                             Twelve Eleven

  Revelation 12:11

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death


    So there you have it ....  I am unsure as to whether this book goes forward as I feel i am being led to new ventures to explain later....  who knows maybe tomorrow :)    I leave you tonight with a little more mystery to a guy who hopes to be a broken jar that is pouring out the light from the Spirit dwelling inside of me ....  I want to be relational because my Jesus made me that way .....        Love to all....   

 servant timothy

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The humble beginnings of a blog

 My non-abrasive approach to be a personal pen pal to the masses...

       I am writing this in a civil duality...  I love Jesus, writing, dramas, personal relationships, family and so much more but I found myself lacking an audience for my penmanship.. The second reason for a blog has been for you, the readers(possibly more than one?) ha ha ...  But this is a "safe house" if you will, for any of my friends to view my life moments, with insight, and relational interaction available without the fear of stalker or "creeper" status that is prevalent in letter writing to your personal mailbox, inbox, or cell phone.. 

      I am starting out simplistic, possibly evolving to complex...  a blog turning into vlog depending on the attentiveness and/or desire of my faithful audience...  What do you think???    Please feel uninhibited to comment with your opinions, questions, and wishes for this blog for I will accommodate those that are within my humble abilities to accomplish...  Sound fun???  Lets kick this off...  Consider this a teaser into the unique eclectic life of a single Christian guy, Aspiring Surfer, Writer, Lover of vintage fashion, Great recipes, Travel, Tatted, Country boy(currently dwelling in a city apartment), mohawk wearing dude, who loves to immerse myself in any dramatic movie, classic, or new..   Most of all i am relationally driven and hope that in the littlest of ways my life lessons may play a role individually touching each one of you...  

servant Timothy...